Monday, August 10, 2009

Six Weeks and Counting

Well this is my first blog that is inspired by my blogging buddies, Surfsister and Tango who both have undergone TKR Total Knee Replacement. Tango, Bi-lateral (that's both knees at the same time...ugh!) Surfsister, TKR and me, Minimal Invasive TKR. All three are different all have one thing in common, to get us out in the water surfing with NO PAIN. I have already had a minimal invasive THR Total Hip Replacement 4 years ago. I have fully recovered and have amazing ROM Range of Motion (see picture above) El Salvador one year post op. I am hoping to have the same result from my TKR with some hard work and a little guts. As of today my surgery is scheduled for September 16th. I have to say am a little freaked. It's not like I haven't been under the knife before, in fact I have had 4 knee surgeries, one ankle, and the hip. (note left hip/right knee) talk about being bionic. Being an ex-jock (I played college football and club lacrosse until I was 45) It seems like I am rehabbing something every 5 years since I am 18. It's getting to be a real pain in the ass. I'm not looking forward to the long process of rehabilitation, it really sucks. Anyway enough of this crying. The surgery will be performed at Pennsylvania Hospital by Dr. Jess Lonner MD. I will be getting a Zimmer NexGen knee and Doc will be doing a modified minimal invasive procedure due to my previous surgeries. I am also going to start taking MaxGXL recommended to speed the healing and rehab process. I understand the minimal quad-sparing operation is a much easier rehab with less pain...yea right! Just hope I get me some good pain meds. I know the 16th is going to be here before I can say knee replacement so I'm going to train to get that leg and get it as strong as I can and surf like there's in tomorrow. I only need mother nature to provide some waves here on the East Coast, New Jersey (it's flat today). That's it for now, I will up date as my special day approaches.



  1. Hey Fish,

    You da Man!!! Nice Blog. Just about 1 month to go, awesome. It's truly incredible that we have the opportunity to go bionic and are able to dream of a whole new life with new knees! Keep us posted Fish. I can't wait for my first session post BTKR, probably out about 3 or 4 more months (

    Peace Brother!


  2. I didn't know you were having MIS!! You probably told me and I forgot. I met someone on the BoneSmart forum who had it. My god, her recovery was extraordinary. She had surgery a month after I did. She was back doing strenuous things much earlier than I was!!

    I didn't even know there was such a thing as MIS when I went to see about my knee. So I have no regrets about not getting it. But if I were to go in now, I'd definitely want that.

    You'll be surfing again in no time, Andrew. And it's okay to be freaked. This shit is scary! I promise you will be just fine.

    Nice blog!

  3. Good Luck with your Recovery. Keep up the great attitude. Do the time then paddle into a few!

    I am 53 and surfed the coast of Maine Off and On since 1972 Hurricane Agnes. We were in a beach house my brother and I were surfing overhead beach break 1'4 mile out to sea.

    I surfed Maine 2008 July 5 days of outrageous surf! That was the last time I surfed. Except body surfing. Got a few things to recover from and fix up so I'll join you in the water in a few!

    Good Healing,
    Santa Barbara
